The answers to some frequently asked questions – please check these first!

Where can I find a poem I remember... Virtually all of JB’s poetry, including all of his best known work, is still available in his "Collected Poems". See the Shop page for details.

Which is the Joan Hunter Dunn poem? The poem about Joan Hunter Dunn is “A Subaltern’s Love Song”

Which is the Christmas poem, and where can I find it? The poem which most people have heard is called "Christmas", and starts "The bells of waiting Advent ring, The Tortoise stove is lit again..." Many people also remember the lines which begin "And is it true? And is it true, This most tremendous tale of all..." This poem can be found in several books, including Collected Poems, The Best of Betjeman, and Church Poems, all of which are available from the Betjeman Shop

A less well-known poem is "Advent 1955", which begins "The Advent wind begins to stir, With sea-like sounds in our Scotch fir...", and goes on to comment on the commercialisation of Christmas. This poem can be found in the latest edition of Collected Poems, and also in the earlier volume, Uncollected Poems.

Where can I find JB's television shows? Very few of his television films are available on video or DVD. Metroland, Summoned By Bells, and A Passion For Churches are currently on DVD, and some HTV films on the West Country can be found on video. See the Shop page.

Which is the poem about the overnight mail train? The train poem which many people remember, about the mail train from London to Scotland, is not by John Betjeman, but by WH Auden. It can be found on the web if you search for Auden and Night Mail.